Above are links to my github page and some of my recent or historical projects.

The RS Timer is a simple timer program with general-length timers and daily, weekly, and monthly timers based on the 0:00 GMT daily reset times used by RuneScape.

The Logger Factory is a simple Java logger factory that returns java.util.logging.Logger objects preconfigured to output to System.out and System.err. Output verbosity is based on the global logging level. The factory provides a preconstructed, customizable formatter automatically applied to all loggers it returns which prints more or less information in output based on logging level.

The Connection Pool is a simple JDBC Connection Pool library based on something from a personal project. Useful for small projects that use a database that may need to reuse database connections.

Commandlin is a Kotlin-based DSL-like library for managing commands and their functions and mapping it to command names, permissions, and argument typing, making extensive use of generics for wide varieties of use-cases.